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United Women in Faith is an organization within the United Methodist Church for ALL women. Being a member of the church or a Methodist is not required.  Our main focus is missions, particularly those benefiting women and youth.  Our efforts reach persons locally, nationally and internationally.  


Our group as a whole meets four times a year on Sunday after worship for a covered dish lunch and meeting.  Our group does fundraisers throughout the year to support our Church.  We also have larger collective meetings with the Western Conference of the UMW throughout the year.


Memorial has a dedicated Crafting Group that meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 in our East Wing.  Women enjoy coming together to fellowship and work on their projects.


Our Blankets for Recovery ministry began in late 2007.  Skilled individuals make their blankets at home.  Our church members donate money to buy the supplies.  During this time we have made well over a thousand blankets and have sent them to places like Bethesda-Walter Reed, Balboa Naval Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Veteran's Farm, The Charlotte USO, The Warrior Transition Battalion at Fort Bragg, and many other places which house and support Veterans.  In addition, we made blankets for our church's vets and presented them on Veteran's Day.  Several times a year we have a special service where our minister blesses these blankets and our congregation prays for each recipient.  After the blankets are blessed, they are  either shipped or delivered in person.  

     The goal of this ministry is to make sure our wounded warriors and disabled vets know that they have not been forgotten and the our church cares for them.  We include a letter with each blanket telling about our ministry and who made the blanket.  We sometimes get thank you letter from the vets or their family members.

     We all have been enriched by this ministry and continue to knit, crochet and quilt our blankets as much as we can.  With each on we want to send the message "Thank you for your service!

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